“This guide was exactly what I needed, at the time going through quarantine, facing the challenges of losing motivation and just trying to keep myself accountable I was able to turn to this guide and remind myself what I was doing this all for. ... Being used to a gym and having all the free weights and machines I needed, this definitely helped gain my knowledge of at home workouts and different variations of workouts I could do and still not lose the gains I had. The leader of this challenge also kept accountability so that's always a plus.”
“This last 30 day challenge not only helped me feel and look like a better me but it gave me the encouragement and support I needed to believe in myself and that I could and would succeed. CJ helped me believe in myself, set a goal, ... and achieve that goal all while hyping me up at the same time. Not only was I able to transform my body but I was also able to transform my thinking and eating habits too! It was all about the little wins every single day and CJ and this challenge helped me find those little wins even when I felt like I was down!”
“I always love a good challenge! During quarantine this summer, the 30 day challenge held me accountable everyday and gave me something to look forward to. I highly recommend finding anything that will get you up and moving! ... Especially because it adds value to both your mental and physical health!! I hope you all can take advantage of CJ's next challenge and test your abilities!”
“When I stumbled upon Sarahs page on Instagram, i was so excited to find someone that shared clear workouts, positivity as well as some awesome family content! I was just starting on my fitness journey to better myself and keep ... up with my toddler! Haha. When Sarah posted about joining her program I knew it was for me! I started her workouts and quickly saw the results I was hoping for. I started to see my confidence come back since having a baby, and I think that was the most exciting thing for me! With hard work and determination I pushed through the workouts, and it was a blast! Having a program to follow and knowing I had support from her whenever I needed it helped me to persevere in the gym and during my daily workouts. Sarah helped me find my why and push me in the right direction of my fitness journey, I am so grateful!”
“One thing I can say about the 30 day challenge is it gave me the tools I needed to get in shape at home. I am someone that loves being at the gym and lifting the heavy weights, but once they closed the gyms down I was ... pretty much done working out until they opened back up. Then I was introduced to doing the 30 day challenge and CJ gave us workouts to do at home that gave me that feel good pain like I would have at the gym, and now I have a whole new application for working out at home even though I still prefer the gym.”
“Let's talk about a brand that's backed by a genuine intention. The primary focus wasn't only to get me to reach my goals but to get the mental aspect retrained in the process. Throughout my training, technique was correct ... to prevent injury, encouragement was a daily dedication by CJ & most importantly, the process itself was a growth opportunity (physically, mentally & spiritually). It's difficult to find a training program that incorporates all of these aspects but I walked away wanting to continue. Even after I completed my training, the encouragement continued. THAT is someone who wants to see you WIN!”